
The 5 Categories of Promo

We are accepting 6 new clients this month.

To welcome you, we have a gift to help grow your business.

The Profit Impact Brokers at AMPLIFY prefer to sit across from our new promo friends in Sudbury, Ontario.  The vibe is better to understand the current position of your business and your plans to optimize delivery and media performance.  AMPLIFY specializes in ideas so if you don’t have one, we’ll work with you to create one for your review.  Let’s start with a coffee or cocktail; the first round of drinks is on us, and likely the second round too, we also like desserts.

categories of promo

Receive a free subscription to AMP Canada Magazine (Coming Soon).  This new resource will showcase promotional products and deliver information to help you market your organization.

Marketing Audit > AMPLIFY is an unrestricted marketing resource company.  Through our network of thousands of suppliers, we will explore ways to save you money and/or time on your current Advertising, Marketing, and promotional investments.  You will receive an analysis of our findings, as part of our service.

Do you need more? We create customized strategies. Pitch us an idea for a discount, added value, or something else to make working with AMPLIFY one of the best decisions you will make for your marketing procurement. We consider all angles when it comes to pleasing our clients.

Let’s get started.  We budget to accept a maximum of six brand-new clients every month.  To see how we can work together sooner, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tim at 705-626-TIM-1 or

We work with organizations who want to be #1.  Let’s work together.

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