By Tim Thomson
Profit Impact Broker for ((((( AMPLIFY )))))
A quote I use often is, “When you target everybody, you are targeting nobody” (See Seth Godin’s famous quote, “When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one”). Writing content without a target is like going hunting without knowing the area, you are likely to get lost, disappointed or hurt. In sales you are either, hunting, fishing or trapping so knowing what bait to use contributes to the success of your adventure, this starts by know what your are looking for.
As a young Radio rep, we were the station that told everyone that “had all the guys listening” and the other station in the market told businesses they “had all the women listeners”. Looking back, that was not true, what was true was that men between the ages of 18-49 made up a respectable share of our audience and the same can be said for women ages 25-54 for our competitor neither of us had 100% or even anywhere close to it. Looking back, this was a very vanilla way to sell my radio station, since we also had Women 25-54 who liked Rock music as well as a wide sample of other valuable consumers that made up our audience. I know now that knowing your target audience is about the content creation and behaviours in addition to just finding them.
The metrics to target audience is so much more complicated now that tech companies follow consumers so closely and collect data on us. This makes is easier to get market research. First look at who you are doing business with now, you can also create a look-a-like audience, then create profile(s) for people you should be, and want to be, doing business with. When choosing your marketing assets, knowing more about your trophy customers will help you find them and connect with them better.
For help with building target audience personas please reach out to AMPLIFY.
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